Monday, November 19, 2007

My Birthday

Today I celebrated my Birthday at Gabriels-If you have not been there you must try it. They make the best cakes in the South.

My sweet niece MaryEllen to the left. Georgia Teacher of the Year Emily Jennette below.

This is the BIG MESS Shelli made but did not have time to clean it up.

Shelli making a mad dash to her car after making the big mess.

Yvonne preparing to serve the Red Velvet cake she bought for me- Thanks Yvonne!!

Heres the cake again-It was very Good. Kristen we saved you some and hope you enjoy.

Sister Tricia and part of the Allen Clan.


Anonymous said...

Had a great time at your party. Have a happy day. Really 35 is not that bad you could pass for 30.

Shelli Allen Photography said...

man what sweet friends you have..especially that girl with the 3 kids. did she come all the way to gabriels during lunchtime with all of her kids for you on your birthday... wow, what a great friend you have.

Unknown said...

LOVED THE UPDATE ON THE SITE! LOVE MY BROTHER! I know you love shooting people, so watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny ~
Happy Belated Birthday to you. The Bentley will be delivered to your house today...sorry it is late. Seriously, we hope you had a great day with many more to come. I absolutely love your website...when can you come out and take our are the best!!!!
Love, Greg and Gwynne